full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Mary Robinson: Why climate change is a threat to human rights

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In our very unequal wolrd today, it's very striking how many people are left behind. In our world of 7.2 billion people, about 3 billion are left behind. 1.3 billion don't have access to electricity, and they lihgt their homes with kerosene and candles, both of which are dangerous. And in fact they sepnd a lot of their tiny income on that form of lngtiihg. 2.6 billion people cook on open fires — on coal, wood and animal dung. And this causes about 4 mloliin deaths a year from inoodr smoke inhalation, and of course, most of those who die are women. So we have a very unequal world, and we need to change from "business as uusal." And we shouldn't ueinrsdttmeae the sclae and the transformative nature of the change which will be needed, because we have to go to zero carbon emissions by about 2050, if we're going to stay below two degrees Celsius of warming. And that means we have to leave about two-thirds of the known rouerecss of fossil fuels in the ground.

Open Cloze

In our very unequal _____ today, it's very striking how many people are left behind. In our world of 7.2 billion people, about 3 billion are left behind. 1.3 billion don't have access to electricity, and they _____ their homes with kerosene and candles, both of which are dangerous. And in fact they _____ a lot of their tiny income on that form of ________. 2.6 billion people cook on open fires — on coal, wood and animal dung. And this causes about 4 _______ deaths a year from ______ smoke inhalation, and of course, most of those who die are women. So we have a very unequal world, and we need to change from "business as _____." And we shouldn't _____________ the _____ and the transformative nature of the change which will be needed, because we have to go to zero carbon emissions by about 2050, if we're going to stay below two degrees Celsius of warming. And that means we have to leave about two-thirds of the known _________ of fossil fuels in the ground.


  1. world
  2. resources
  3. indoor
  4. light
  5. million
  6. underestimate
  7. usual
  8. spend
  9. scale
  10. lighting

Original Text

In our very unequal world today, it's very striking how many people are left behind. In our world of 7.2 billion people, about 3 billion are left behind. 1.3 billion don't have access to electricity, and they light their homes with kerosene and candles, both of which are dangerous. And in fact they spend a lot of their tiny income on that form of lighting. 2.6 billion people cook on open fires — on coal, wood and animal dung. And this causes about 4 million deaths a year from indoor smoke inhalation, and of course, most of those who die are women. So we have a very unequal world, and we need to change from "business as usual." And we shouldn't underestimate the scale and the transformative nature of the change which will be needed, because we have to go to zero carbon emissions by about 2050, if we're going to stay below two degrees Celsius of warming. And that means we have to leave about two-thirds of the known resources of fossil fuels in the ground.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
climate change 13
human rights 7
safe world 4
renewable energy 4
sustainable development 4
president tong 3
development goals 3
climate agreement 3
young people 3
european union 2
universal declaration 2
united nations 2
degrees celsius 2
climate justice 2
moral argument 2
address climate 2
fossil fuels 2
good news 2
big summits 2
lunch counter 2
counter moment 2
higher moral 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
sustainable development goals 3
address climate change 2
lunch counter moment 2

Important Words

  1. access
  2. animal
  3. billion
  4. candles
  5. carbon
  6. celsius
  7. change
  8. coal
  9. cook
  10. dangerous
  11. deaths
  12. degrees
  13. die
  14. dung
  15. electricity
  16. emissions
  17. fact
  18. fires
  19. form
  20. fossil
  21. fuels
  22. ground
  23. homes
  24. income
  25. indoor
  26. inhalation
  27. kerosene
  28. leave
  29. left
  30. light
  31. lighting
  32. lot
  33. means
  34. million
  35. nature
  36. needed
  37. open
  38. people
  39. resources
  40. scale
  41. smoke
  42. spend
  43. stay
  44. striking
  45. tiny
  46. today
  47. transformative
  48. underestimate
  49. unequal
  50. usual
  51. warming
  52. women
  53. wood
  54. world
  55. year